Monday 6 August 2012

Saturday 23 June 2012

take a walk

holidays! time to recharge. and what better way to start than a walk along Auckland's stunning west coast?

tasty mandarin, high in vitamin c

spot me hehe

This week my sister and I visited our grandparents in Timaru. We got subway for lunch one day and there were these two women in the restaurant who, after finishing their subs, went and congratulated the worker (who was like 17 and had a moustache), and one was like "bravo" while the other did a slow clap. we were like uhhh question mark this is subway.

Tuesday 22 May 2012


Crunchtime is imminent, and I feel like I am stepping into a cold shower.

Sunday 6 May 2012


Three good things on a glorious Auckland Sunday:

1. Lovely Bernadette bought me coffee, following which the two of us set out to take advantage of all this colourful city offers. Here are some photos:

As you can see from Bernie's mug, she was left wanting. Should everything fall through come November we are determined to set sail abroad, chartering dangerous territories and unprotected waters in search of inspiration. Well actually, Bernie already went to India for a spiritual awakening but slept through it. She's also been to Europe and America and come up zero for three... so... I guess Asia? Which is perfect because Japan is pulling me like a magnet.

2. My auntie called me out of the blue and said she had a spare ticket to Jersey Boys at the Civic. As it is a sin to pass up any opportunity to go to the Civic, I gladly accepted and met her at 1:30 for a 2:00pm matinee. Unfortunately she had the date and time wrong, and we were 24½ hours late. We were let in anyway and it was cool as. My favourite part was at the end when everyone was clapping and the musicians got to do little solo bits and they were all rockin out.

3. I didn't spend any money !!!!!!!!!!

Great job today Auckland city, you're a friend of mine.

I realise that blogging is much more meaningful with a purpose, so I will probably be cutting down as university work gets harder. At least until inspiration strikes. So I might be back.
I urge you to check out Ursula's new blog, recording her experiences as she discovers the world AND herself! (well I'm sure the second half will occur eventually) ("Because I'm travelling solo. But also because I am so lolzies").

Tuesday 1 May 2012


Today has been mundane. My flatmate was sick so she stayed home and watched Arrested Development, my all time favourite TV show. I went to uni and everyone was wearing sneans.


great poll, was looking for a place to express my love of high-heeled sneakers

an alcohol advertisement on the twitter feed of our national newspaper... what is happening?!?

Also I have been reading and writing for the past 22 days straight and I am worn out(/lazy), so here are some photos to fill out this post. I'll do better next time.

 Photos by me, screenshots from 30 Rock and Parks and Recreation

Friday 27 April 2012


yesterday was such a tornado of emotions. i had this big assignment due at 4pm but lost like 500 words and my reference list an hour before it was due, so basically had to hand in an unpolished draft... such a bummer but I guess lesson learned or whatever.

Anyway so I came home and was totally buggin when our nerdy neighbours knocked on our door and told us they were having a party and we were invited. ha, as if neighbours, we just played wii tennis and smoked a cigar.

But later on there were heaps of people there – even females! what?! clearly they had a dog fighting ring or some sexually rebellious activity going on, so we investigated.

Dream team emily (reporter) and katrina (photographer)

This is Richard, who is a law clerk. He said the party was ok, he didn't really have high expectations but remained hopeful: "maybe [there'll be] like a fight or something or people getting it on right in front of us or something like that". Then emily lost her journalistic objectivity and got too close to the source, asking him about his job and stuff, borr-ring.

The guy in the middle lives there, his name is adeel, he said he invited 60 people but lots had already left. pfft whatever.

"I drank like 8 beers bro"

The party kind of petered out after that. they were playing with dental floss and then this scottish guy did a haka by himself. The important thing was, I didn't make any new friends. This morning the stairwell we share smelt so bad so I went and ate McDonalds by myself and when i caught the bus home someone was wearing the same jersey as me ~~secret shame

Monday 23 April 2012


i came home tonight to find franny's empty room which made me feel like this:


but she gave hongi and I some presents which made me feel like this:

god bless child

Gift giving is an important expression of friendship. Here's what we got:

 cat leash
 fake tattoo sleeve
six fake moustaches

rock on, franny

c/o Tyra's facebook page